24 April 2008

Signs of Spring

Not that we really need them, specifically and locally, just at the moment, having had multiple shorts-weather days in the first half of April, but hey. Spring is narrow.
This is one of a number of feral daffodils in the carefully unmanaged plots of woodland on the way into the Zoo. Since the daffodil isn't a native plant, I am forced to postulate a secretive sect of ninja gardeners, out to beautify the public woodlands.
It's really hard to look dignified when you've got feathers stuck to your nose.


  1. Anonymous05:16

    i'm down with the ninja gardener idea, but unfortunately daffodils naturalize very easily.

    *grins at the undignified swan*.

  2. I rather figured there was a dull, boring explanation for the daffodils.

    Oh well. No ancestral trowels layer-forged by secret masters of smith-craft.


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